Halo master chief collection steam xbox live
Halo master chief collection steam xbox live

halo master chief collection steam xbox live

Without embedded live service hooks, these old Halo games aren't monetizable in the same way current games are and have to rely on the raw might of game sales to make money (we've heard map packs just didn't sell very well, but Halo multiplayer sure sold a lot of Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions).Ĭonversely, we don't expect Microsoft to bring any of its big new first-party games to Steam.

halo master chief collection steam xbox live

That was really the only way to expand the game besides QoL adjustments and seasonal playlists. Before Halo 5's REQ packs that earned $1 million in a month, there were paid DLCs and map packs that you bought post-release. The six Halo games included with The Master Chief Collection on PC (Reach, Halo 1-4, ODST) were made before free-to-play style microtransactions hit the AAA console market. So why isn't it taking the same approach with The Master Chief Collection? Why is The Master Chief Collection coming to Steam and not staying as a Microsoft Store exclusive on PC? Simple: this is a rare instance where Microsoft cares more about full game sales than services, and it's all because these Halo games were made in a different era.

Halo master chief collection steam xbox live